Saturday, September 19, 2009

Lewisham, London

For the next week, July 16-23, Mum, Dad and I stayed in the flat of our English friends, Andy and Kim, as they holidayed in Spain. Once we’d put Katie and Em on the plane, straight away we kicked off with a tour of Parliament House by Matt, an Aussie friend living in London, then collapsed of exhaustion after a crazy five weeks. We spent the week seeing some of London, but we realised we could walk more slowly, which was exciting! We’d all already seen a fair bit of London, so there was less pressure to do everything. We explored Little Venice (London’s own canal system), Regents Park and nearby Greenwich, including the Meridian line. We had lunch in Chinatown and walked through Soho, and happened to have lunch at a pub near Lords as the Third Ashes Test was ending – the one Australia lost. We visited St Helens again, this time chatting to William Taylor and Dick Lucas. We spent plenty of time watching some of Andy and Kim’s extensive DVD collection, including Amelie, Elizabethtown, Closer, Kate & Leopold, Spooks, Gladiator and Ricky Gervais. Who needs to see London anyway?!

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