Saturday, September 19, 2009

Paris, France

We stayed in the Parisian suburb of Nanterre, in the house of the Mullins’, missios from NSW. We covered lots of ground in our five days, including Montmartre, the Arc de Triomphe and Champs Elysées. Notre Dame and the Latin Quarter are my favourite parts of Paris from last time I was there. But I also thoroughly enjoyed whiling away a sunny Sunday afternoon with Katie and Dad in laidback chairs in the Tuileries garden, and the Musée de l’Orangerie. Riding bikes around the Grand Canal at Chateau de Versailles was a highlight for all of us, as were the Bastille Day fireworks around the Tour Eiffel. Katie and Mum’s birthdays happened to fall on our last day in Paris, so we had a huge day celebrating. It included the Musée d’Orsay, shopping, lunch at a pub in St Germain, seeing the newly released Harry Potter 6 movie, and climbing the Tour Eiffel at night – awesome! We made sure we savoured plenty of baguettes and brie/camembert, and yummy patisseries. I enjoyed getting a chance to practice my French before starting uni there, but it sure made me realise how tiring it will be operating in French all the time, particularly for the first couple of weeks. At the end of our Paris time, we headed back to London, and put Katie and Em on the plane home, ending our five weeks travelling as a family. Was sad to see them go, but a huge relief to slow down after a fairly fast pace through Europe.

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